Methods of neat pushup

                         PUSH UP

           Hi guys my name is vijaykumar welcome to fitnessdude post no3.
Pushups are one of the most fundamental body weight exercise & very popular. The moment is simple can be done every ware and it's very effective, because you are using  lot of muscle at some time. Sounds good right?
      The problem is lot of people concentrate on contity instead of quality when doing pushups. To avoid this you should focus on these 4 point to make pushups perfect.
1.BODY POSITION: Pushup is not only chest and shoulder moment, most people neglect the attention in abdominal muscles and hips and legs, often the form arch back & have an lack of body attention  to avoid this

Stud your back butt twice the moment gets lot harder with this also more effective.
2.ARM POSITION:A perfect pushup can be done with wide or narrow grip,

 but its important to place your wrist nearly vertical line on your shoulder, when you do stand up pushup .

3.RANGE OF MOTION: This is quite simple doing pushup per 2 second don't shake your body hands too  & one  more important think stud your stomach tight it works on abs also.
4.BREETHING: when you are doing pushups breath slowly , keep in mind that never take or leave breath when you are down . Take short breath when you up and leave breath also.
            .  THANK YOU. .
